I have a pleasure to announce that we have established a community based development structure in the name of MOUNT FLETCHER DEVELOPMENT FACILITATION FORUM based on our CONSTITUTION specifically to engage Government, State Owned Enterprises, Politicians, NGOs, Civil Society Organizations, Private Sector, Faith Based Organizations etc. on service delivery related issues affecting our area especially rural areas. Moreover we have unanimously taken upon ourselves to create this initiative in the absence of the ratepayers’ and residents’ association which we believe it should have been in place long time ago to represent our aspirations. However in consultation with all stakeholders we decided to establish this forum in the best interest of the community. We therefore humbly invite all residents of Mount Fletcher who are living in town and in rural areas to support this initiative. We further appeal to our brothers and sisters residing in urban areas and abroad to contribute towards the realisation of our dream to economically change the face of Mount Fletcher District. In fact we want to put Mount Fletcher on the map so that it can attract investors and developers who will ultimately create job opportunities for the youth, women and rural communities who are unfortunately the most vulnerable to economic hardships.
We humbly appeal to all to access funding to our initiatives. May I indicate that BATLOKOA TRADITIONAL COUNCIL has registered with the DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY in PRETORIA more than (90) ninety community primary cooperatives to assist communities to sustain themselves economically and otherwise. We are proud to pronounce that thus far we have received (8) new tractors with different farming implements, funding for a spaza shop, cement blocks making machine with a complete galvanised fencing material, wheelbarrow, rake, 108 bags of cement, gates and (8) eight new sewing machines just to mention a few. We sincerely extend our appreciation and many thanks to our philanthropist and community developer Miss GRACE MATUBATUBA who hails from MAKOATLANE ADMINISTRATIVE AREA under BATLOKOA TRADITIONAL COUNCIL area of jurisdiction. God bless you Mokone Mpofane Nozulu. She is currently based in PRETORIA.
At the moment we are busy doing social mobilisaion with the officials from UNIVERSITY OF NATAL to open a Satelite university in MOUNT FLETCHER. We have agreed in principle that we will donate land for this project. Batlokoa Traditional Council has developed a website with the assistance of our brother Mr Sekonyela Thuso Machaea. Our website: batlokoa.org.za We invite all residents, business sector, farmers and interest groups to vote YES to this initiative.
In conclusion we extend our gratitude to Miss Lulama Benesh who was born and bred at Moroka Locality in the area of jurisdiction of BATLOKOA TRADITIONAL COUNCIL. Miss Lulama Benesh is currently based in Gauteng. She is intending to open a branch of Hill Cross Business College in Mount Fletcher. Through Ikusasalethu Youth Development Project an NPO organisation they have committed themselves to assist disadvantaged students with 100% financial assistance to pursue their studies at tertiary institutions and Hill Cross Business College. The students have to pass screening test to qualify for financial assistance.
We have opened an account for MFDF:
ACCOUNT NO: 62703185844
We humbly request anyone passionate about these initiatives to donate funds into this account. For further information please contact Chief Lehana on: 0780294758 or 0799764718. Chairperson: Mr Sekonyela Thuso Machaea on 0826894296. Yours in service delivery, CHIEF MONTOELI TYRONE LEHANA Motlokoa: CONVENER: PULA KHOTSO NALA.